How to Get the Best Shots From a Budget Setup
Trust me, I get it, I know how expensive being a photographer can be, and how it can destroy a budget—I feel your pain. Let’s not even factor in cameras or lenses—which could be a legitimate article on its own—there are so many things you need to pack into this hobby. Camera bags, protectors, light kits, editing software, blah blah blah. When does the fun come in? Well, believe it or not, there are ways to get amazing shots on a budget setup. And how do I know? Well, call me the King of Savings…or something. Worry About Your Lighting If there is anything that will save your photos, and…
How to Best Use a Photo Box
If you’re in an are that, well, gets cold during a part of the year—which I assume you are—and you’re looking for a way to keep you photography work rolling in, a great way to do this is with a photo box. A photo box is a fantastic way to not only keep photography for your website rolling in when you’re unable, or uninspired to get out and take shots, but to take advantage of other avenues is provides. From product photography, to the ability to capture new angles on old objects, this can be a fantastic opportunity to expand your portfolio. That being said, it’s key to ensure you…
Creativity vs. Functionality in Design: Which Reigns Supreme?
Listen, we wouldn’t be web designers if we didn’t want to be a little creative, right? Naturally, we want our layouts to be appealing, eye-catching, and aesthetically pleasing with added functionality. That being said, there has come the point when I have noticed some designs—looking at you, fancy restaurants—try to put too much emphasis on the look of their pages, when in reality…they’re barely functional. The moral of the story is don’t be that designer. A Website Without Functionality Is Useless The bottom line when designing a landing page, about section, or especially checkout page—you really should put the creativity below the functionality of the webpage itself. Sure, you want…
Why Texture Is So Important on (Most) Websites
Let’s be honest, you don’t have to be a website developer genius to know what looks good and what doesn’t, what is appealing and what you hate. We have all been around the internet long enough to determine when a website…just doesn’t have it. For some, it’s—rightfully—functionality. If it doesn’t work, I don’t want to deal with it. And I can’t blame them. But for me? If your website looks, well, boring? I’m out. I should preface this with the fact that, yes it has to work, and I am not looking for insane amounts of flash. But I AM looking for some texture to keep my attention. And YES…
Should You Show Off Your Incomplete Web Design Pages? Absolutely.
If you’re anything like me, you’re the kind of person with a million web design projects going on at once. Most of them get completed, but some sit forever in “draft” mode, just waiting to have those final touches added. This becomes a problem when looking for work or building your design brand. Do you show off websites that aren’t complete? Full of Lorem Ipsum? In draft mode? In my opinion, I say yes, go for it! And here is why you shouldn’t be afraid to add them to your portfolio. Incomplete Work Shows off Your Web Design Internal Process Any good employer, especially one in the creative field, will…
Do You Really Need That $10,000 Lens? Probably Not.
When I first started looking at getting into photography, I think I—like most people—instantly thought I was getting into a hobby that would make me go broke with how much everything cost. And it really can be that kind of hobby, one that runs you into debt for little payoff. But does it have to be? In today’s world, there are a million places where you can get a started DSLR and go wild with it, it’s what I did. I found a basic camera with some basic lenses and just started teaching myself, seeing what worked and what didn’t. And for a long time I really, I mean REALLY,…
How to Be the Best Creator You Can Be
So you’re a creator – neat! So am I, nice to meet you. Somedays, I understand that being in this field can be, for lack of a better term, brutal. Stress, deadlines, edits. All of it compiled into one massive mess of anxiety and self-doubt. Trust me, I have been there. That being said, there are ways to fight it, and be the best creator you can possibly be. Know You’re Going to Fail—and be Okay With That If you’re going into the creative field thinking that you’re never going to make a mistake, or that everything you do will be perfect—this field may not be for you. In fact,…
When to Use Manual Settings, and When to Trust Your Camera
Well, it’s nearly the holidays. So instead of fighting over politics, the news, or drama—let’s change up the narrative and argue over something else, shall we? The age-old question; when should I use manual settings on my camera, and when should I just trust my camera to do its job? If I told you there weren’t a million thoughts on this topic, I would be lying right to your face and eye. And I would also be inaccurate if I told you one side was “more right” than the other. Because, to be honest, they both have their points—and it all boils down to knowing what you want, and what…
How Important is the UX of Your Website? Very.
A million times, if not trillions, it has probably been said that UX is essential to all websites. Every. Single. One. No matter how big your page, how small, how useful, or how basic it is. If you don’t have the tenets of UX incorporated into your website, you’re failing. So it always confuses me deeply when I see websites for such high-ranking companies have horrendous sites. Even sites from well-established web designers. So why is UX so essential? Users Will Have an Instant Reaction We have all been to websites that are—for lack of a better term—a mess. Websites that just straight-up look bad the moment you land on…
How Self-Publication Changed the Media and Art-Landscape
If you look around, there is no doubt that art and media change a little more every day. Styles change, techniques become more advanced, and floods of content from artists and designers fill out feeds. And in just over a few years, self-publication of work has gained immense momentum, with new ways to push out your own projects all on your own. So how has self-publication changed the media landscape? No More Dealing With Content and Media Gatekeepers If you’re an artist, designer, or anyone who needs content pushed out—there is nothing more ideal than to be able to do it on your own, with no gatekeepers in the industry.…